Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale Movie Review

February 20, 2017


Okie, I’ve just come back from seeing the Sword Art Online movie so let’s talk about it. But before that, because of the nature of the “fanbase”, I think I have to preface this review by telling you guys where I stand on the franchise.

I am by no means what you would call a big fan of the franchise. I have never read the original Light Novels nor have I ever played any of the games. I haven’t even bought any merchandise (…aside from a couple of figures). I have only watched the original two anime seasons. They were entertaining, serviceable shows with fun characters, sweet moments, cool concepts, interesting worlds and great action. I had no big issues with it. At least, not any that would warrant me trying to crucify the series and burn it at the stake. As much as I liked it, I never really did get into it and I never latched on to any of the characters except for maybe Sinon and Yuuki.


(I’m sorry, but Sinon’s waist is a thing of beauty. Yes, I have a thing for shapely waists, but I digress.)

So, being neither a big fan nor a hater, I went into this movie with zero expectations, like I try to do for all movies. And as it turned out, even for a person like me with hardly any attachment to the series… I had an absolute blast! (^o^) After a dearth of anime movie sequels that actually succeeded in being little more than hollow, nostalgia-bait projects, it was refreshing to see that this movie does pretty much everything right… in my opinion, of course. Let me substantiate that.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead!

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Why I Couldn’t Watch an Anime I Loved Anymore

March 6, 2016

I present to you translated, a manga by a Pixiv artist that’s been making waves on the internet! A very interesting commentary on anime fandom and anime appreciation.



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Super Robots are Cool

October 14, 2015


What is being an otaku about? It’s about the cool and the hot. Cool Robots and Hot Girls that is.

Hot. You get it? You see what I did there? Because hot is like to burn, which is moeru 燃える in Japanese, which is a homonym of moeru 萌える, to bud, which is where moe comes from? Yeah… I didn’t think so.

Anyway, here is a blog post featuring some random pictures I took of three different super robot figures that I bought over the past half-a-year that I never got round to posting. Namely, Gunbuster, GaoGaiGar and Aquarion. Enjoy.

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2013 Japan Trip Highlights and Acquisitions!

January 15, 2014


In a brilliant attempt to circumvent me running out of steam doing a day-by-day recount of my trip, this time, I’ll be writing just one post featuring only the juicy bits – Akihabara, Comiket (doujins) and more!

I’ll organize this post by sections that go in chronological order. At the end of the recount, will be a section that is dedicated to all the acquisitions that I got during my trip.

Without further ado, here we go!

(Warning! Image intensive and somewhat NSFW. Also, the changing aspect ratio of the pictures is due to the fact that a number of them were taken with different cameras.)

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I Just Watched Evangelion 3.33

June 9, 2013

This screencap from the K-On! movie sums up my reaction superbly and succinctly:

[Elysium] Eiga K-ON! (BD.1080p.AAC)[6E3A96D3].mkv_snapshot_00.40.00_[2013.06.09_16.36.42]

Spoilers ahead~

In my opinion, it was a fun and intriguing movie that was bold enough to take the series into a whole new (and, I dare say, fresh) direction, but it raised more questions than ans… heck, I don’t think it answered anything. It’s certainly rife with stuff to analyze, but I doubt I have the intellectual or emotional capacity for that undertaking. Was its goal to keep the viewer as in the dark and as confused as Shinji? It certainly worked.

From what I can tell, 3.33 was used mostly as a set-up for the final installment. I can only pray that 4.0 will do the entire Rebuild series justice by providing us with a rewarding and satisfying conclusion. (Wait, it’s Anno. Who am I kidding?)

Also, I absolutely love the fact that none of the footage nor the promised storyline from the preview at the end of 2.22 made it into the film. Did something happen to cause the movie to go in a whole different direction? Was the preview itself a troll from the beginning? We may never know.

P.S. Am I the only one who thinks that the whole “Curse of EVA” thing was just an excuse to be able to pull off the 14-year time skip without aging the fan favorite characters? I can’t say I blame them though, because I don’t think my heart could have withstood the sight of a 28-year-old Asuka…

Actar’s Reviews 235 – Madoka Magica KaraKore Witch Collection by Movic

February 4, 2012

Magical Girls aren’t Magical Girls without fearsome adversaries to fight. Thanks to Movic, our Madoka Figma figures can finally duel to the death with the bizarre, otherworldly and unconventionally designed Witches.

…well, kinda.

Actar’s Reviews 231 – Figma Akemi Homura

December 26, 2011

She’s here! The long awaited and highly anitcipated Figma Homura from the much loved (and loathed) Puella Magi Madoka Magica is finally available to the hoards of screaming Homu Homu fans.

Does she live up to all the hype? Can GSC do no wrong? Will she ever find her missing hat? Let’s find out.

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Actar’s Reviews 229 – Transforming Charlotte Plush Toy

December 26, 2011

I’m back after a long hiatus with another Madoka review! This time, we take a look at something rather unusual – a transforming plush toy of the cheese loving, head biting Witch of Sweets, Charlotte!

The best concept for a plush toy ever? Most definitely.

My Opinions on Madoka

December 26, 2011

POSSIBLE SPOILERS! Here’s a portion of the Figma Madoka review that was cut out due to its length. It’s basically me giving my opinions on the show Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Written version after the jump.

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Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeroid Movie Review

November 16, 2011

Thanks to Anime Festival Asia, I and many Sora no Otoshimono fans had the opportunity to watch the movie, Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeroid. As a Sora no Otoshimono fan, it would be a gross understatement to say that I went into the movie with HIGH expectations.

…unfortunately, I felt that the movie was a let down due to a number of problematic issues.

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